Friday, 14 June 2019

Road Trip No2. Around Australia Westward

   Friday 14 June 2019

  Day 8

  Lighting Ridge to Surat

Leaving Lighting Ridge in light rain by the time we got to the highway it had stopped as we got a little further up the road we came across a lot of kangaroos on the side of the road the rain had brought them there for a drinks the bitumen held the water.
Alittle further down the road we came across a mob of Emes' After that it was just road kill we had lunch in St George with a couple Chris and Peter we met in Lighting Ridge after topping up with fuel it was onto Surat for the night and a meal at the local pub.
Just a small country Dinner

Val only had a entree

The shoo roos working

Emus' trying to out ran the Land Rover Looser

A history lesson

Just Galahs

Len and Val

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