Sunday, 30 June 2019

Road Trip No.2

    Sunday 30th June 2019

    Day 25.

  Mount Isa

  Today was just a quite day in Mount Isa as all shops are shut so we just did a drive out to where the panel beater is so we know where to go tomorrow morning then came back to the caravan park and watch the football Albert next door has offered to follow me out to the panel shop and give me a ride back home then take me back in the afternoon he has been here for two week on Tuesday waiting for the motor in his car to be replaced.
                                                 Len and Val

Saturday, 29 June 2019

Road Trip No.2

    Saturday 29th June 2019

   Day 24.

  Mount Isa

 Today was spent in the Caravan park just taking to follow caravaners and we are not the only onesthat are stuck here one couple next to us have been here for 12 days and look like another 12 daye till a new car arrives another 10 days and could be another 12 days till a part comes from Germany so our two day are not so bad Val clean and tidy the van.

                                                        Len and Val 

Road Trip No.2

    Friday 28th June 2019

    Day 23.

   Cloncurry to Mount Isa

 Left Cloncurry in bright sunshine and 20 Deg for our 181 Kms drive getting into Mount Isa at 13 30 had lunch and got some supplies. Then went to the look out for photos of  Mount Isa then went to Bunnings to get a water filter pulling into a centre parking spot a clown tryed to overtake on the out side hiting us on the drivers door and front guard we are now in Mt Ias till Monday it has been arranged to get the car ok for our drive to Darwin.
Val showing where home is

Just a convoy of caravans

At Least the country side is different

Coming into Mout Isa

The result of an idiot
Len and Val

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Road Trip No.2

    Thursday 27th June 2019

    Day 22.

    Today started with a bright sunny morning so we headed to the old garnet diggings some 90Kms from Cloncurry and 50Kms off the main Winton to Cloncurry road. But we had no luck there was one caravan camped out there but we did not see anyone. We spent just over an hour that was enough made our way back to town, had a look around not much to see filled up with fuel for tomorrows drive. Back at the park had a talk with other campers finished the day with a BBQ dinner with a great sunset.
The way to finish the day

Sunset after lovely 25deg winter day

The road trains just keep coming

The main road signs

The off road signs

This is how big the termite mounds are

Off road are well sign posted

Val is the gate person on this trip


The work is never finished for the gate person.

The Landrover doing what it does well

The bush signs are clear

Dam in the bush full of ducks
Len and Val

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Road Trip No.2

   Wednesday 26 June 2019

   Day 21

   Winton to Cloncurry

   After checking out of Winton it was a straight drive to Cloncurry with a stop at Kynuna for fuel because the price was right then at Mckinlay at the Crocodile Dunnde's Walkabout Creek Hotel getting into Cloncurry at 14 30 and checking into the Cloncurry Caravan Park Oasis where we met Richard and Catherine who we met in Winton so we went out for dinner.
Tucker time on the highway

Just a straight road

Sign says

Inside The Walkabout Hotel (Crocodile Dundee's)

Notice the to police officers seating on the veranda

Termite mounds

The roads just get straighter and longer

Len and Val

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Road Trip No.2

    Tuesday 25th June 2019

    Day 20.


    Today after a bit of house keeping and it was also washing day we headed 12Kms east of Winton to visit the Australian Age of Dinosaurs it was a two and a half hour tour but we left four hours later and you could have spent another two to three you went through the laboratory where the bones are cleaned, preserved and sorted and a collection of bones that had been clean and a skeleton put together.  
On the way back it was a top up with fuel for tomorrow when we head towards Mt Isa.
Heading to the Australia Age of Dinosaurs

Even to the Dinosaurs road is straight

The deep gully

After 20 days we gave in to the fly's and got a Bushy 

The Kunbarrasaurus exhibit

Posing with Banjo the Dinosaur

Len and Val 

Monday, 24 June 2019

Road Trip No.2

   Monday 24th June 2019

 Day 19.

Winton to Opalton and return

Today we went bush to a little Opal mining village of Opalton stopping in at the old Bladensburg homestead then it was back to the main road to head further south passing Warrambool Station following the Pioneer's Trail to Opalton where we spent two hours fossickering Val found a couple of stones with some opal I don't know what I found till we get back home at three oclock we had spent enough time trying to make friends with the flys so we got the hell got of it and covered them in dust.
The old Bladensburg Homestead

Snake skin

Dusty gravel road

Roads are still straight just a different colour

Termite mound

Don't belive all road signs in Queensland cause Willie does'nt

Last straight before Winton

Len and Val