Day 14
Left the Hotels at 0800 for a 30 minuet drive to a weaving outlet for a two hour stop, departed at 1030 for our drive to Udiapur stopping
For lunch at 1315 of what we thought was a bad road . After we headed to Jain temple complex built in the 15th century and located
In Ranakpur in the Aravalli valley. The main temple in the complex is the Chaumukha (four - faced) Temple built in 1439
It’s 29 Halls are supported by 1444 pillars of which no two are alike.Also visit the Surya Temple, dedicated to Surya the Sun God,
and other Jain temples.
Then our final leg of the of the drive was over the worst road Val and I have ever been a to make it worse the drivers apart from
our driver be it motor bike, car, truck, or school bus are the worst without any doubt the last section of 110 Km took 2 hour 15 Min
The origins of Udaipur are based on a legend,which tells of a holly sage that Maharaja Udai Singh encountered while hunting in the
foothills of the Aravalli Range in Mewar. The sage told the King to build a Palace in that exact spot and it would be well protected
and so with this advice, Maharaja Udai Singh built his residence there. At the time Chittorgarh was the capital of Mewar State,
however in 1568 Chittorgarh was attacked by the Mughal emperor Akbar, and so Maharaja Udai Singh moved the capital to Udaipur.
Today the city Palace of Udaipur is still home to Maharaja Udai Singh’s descendants who remain rulers of this independent state.
We will be able to tell if the Maharaja is in residence by the flag hanging from the palace wall.
One of the villages between Ranakpur and Udaipur
Small village same area
Farm landin the area.
A work on the side of the road
Another village.
Len and Val
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